1. I found a golden website. The blog of Esteban Moro. He uses R to work on networks. In particular he has done a really nice code to make some great videos of networks. This post is purely a copy of his code. I just changed a few arguments to change colors and to do my own network.

    To create the network, I used the  Barabási-Albert algorithm that you can find at the end of the post on the different algorithms for networks. Igraph is the library which has been used.

    In order to make a video from the .png I used a software called Ffmpeg. It took me a bit of time to use it but you can find some tutorials on Internet.

    Here is the kind of result you can expect :

    The code (R) : 

    n <- 300
    data <- matrix(0, ncol = 3, nrow = n-1)
    data[1,2] <- 1
    data[1:(n-1),1] <- 2:n
    data[, 3] <- 1:(n-1)
    weight <- NULL
    weight[1] <- 1
    weight[2] <- 1
    for(i1 in 2:(n-1)){
      link = sample(c(1:(i1)), size = 1, prob = weight)
      data[i1, 2] <- link
      weight[i1+1] <- 1
      weight[link] <- weight[link] + 1


    #generate the full graph
    g <- graph.edgelist(as.matrix(data[,c(1,2)]),directed=F)
    E(g)$time <- data[,3]

    #generate a cool palette for the graph
    YlOrBr <- c(hsv(0.925, 0.20, 0.7), hsv(0.925, 0.40, 0.7), hsv(0.925, 0.60, 0.7), hsv(0.925, 0.80, 0.7), hsv(0.925,1, 0.7))
    YlOrBr.Lab <- colorRampPalette(YlOrBr, space = "Lab")
    #colors for the nodes are chosen from the very beginning
    vcolor <- rev(YlOrBr.Lab(vcount(g)))

    #time in the edges goes from 1 to 300. We kick off at time 3
    ti <- 3
    #weights of edges formed up to time ti is 1. Future edges are weighted 0
    E(g)$weight <- ifelse(E(g)$time < ti,1,0)
    #generate first layout using weights.
    layout.old <- layout.fruchterman.reingold(g,params=list(weights=E(g)$weight))

    #total time of the dynamics
    total_time <- max(E(g)$time)
    #This is the time interval for the animation. In this case is taken to be 1/10
    #of the time (i.e. 10 snapshots) between adding two consecutive nodes
    dt <- 0.1
    #Output for each frame will be a png with HD size 1600x900 :)
    png(file="example%04d.png", width=1600,height=900)
    nsteps <- max(E(g)$time)
    #Time loop starts
    for(ti in seq(3,total_time,dt)){
      #define weight for edges present up to time ti.
      E(g)$weight <- ifelse(E(g)$time < ti,1,0)
      #Edges with non-zero weight are in gray. The rest are transparent
      E(g)$color <- ifelse(E(g)$time < ti,"black",rgb(0,0,0,0))
      #Nodes with at least a non-zero weighted edge are in color. The rest are transparent
      V(g)$color <- ifelse(graph.strength(g)==0,rgb(0,0,0,0),vcolor)
      #given the new weights, we update the layout a little bit
      layout.new <- layout.fruchterman.reingold(g,params=list(niter=10,start=layout.old,weights=E(g)$weight,maxdelta=1))
      #plot the new graph
      #use the new layout in the next round
      layout.old <- layout.new

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