I already talked about networks a few times in this blog. In particular, I had this approach to explain spatial segregation in a city or to solve the Guess Who? problem. However, one of the question is how to generate a good network. Indeed, I aim to study strategy to split a network, but I need first to work with a realistic neural network. I could have downloaded data of a network, but I'd rather study the different models proposed to generate neural networks.

I will explain and generate the three most famous models of neural networks:
- The Erdős-Rényi model;
- The Watts and Strotgatz model (small world model); 
- The Barabási-Albert preferential attachment model.

We represent each model with a matrix of acquaintance. The intersection of the column i and the row j is a 1 if and only if the nodes i and the node j know each other. Since we simulate reciprocal neural network (i.e. if i knows j then j knows i), we can work on a triangle matrix and not worry about the lower triangle of our matrices. Here, I use the R function image() to represent these matrices. In red are the 0, in white are the 1.

The Erdős-Rényi model.

This model is certainly the simplest of the three models. Only two parameters are required to compute this model. N is the number of nodes we consider and p, is the probability for every couple of nodes to be linked by an edge.

This model assumes that the existence of a link between two nodes is independent to the other link of the graph. According to Daniel A Spielman, this model has not been created to represent any realistic graph. However, this model has some very interesting properties. The average path is of length log(N) which is relatively short.
Besides, if p < 1, for N great enough, the clustering coefficient converges toward 0 (almost surely). The clustering coefficient for one point, is in simple word the ratio between all the existing edges between the neighbors of this point to all the possible edges of these neighbors.

On this figure the clustering coefficient of A is 1/3, there are 3 possible edges between the neighbors of A (X-Y, Y-Z, Z-X) and only one (Z-Y) is linked.

The Watts and Strotgatz model (small world model).

This model is really interesting, it assumes that you know a certain number of persons (k) and that your are more likely to know your closest neighbors. The algorithm though more complicated than the Erdős-Rényi model's is simple. We have 3 parameters. The number of the population (N), the number of close neighbors (k) and a probability p. For any variable, for every close neighbor, the probability to be linked with it is (1-p). For every close neighbor not linked with, we choose randomly in the further neighbors an other link.

Because this model generates some conglomerates of people knowing each other, it is really easy to be linked indirectly (and with a very few number of steps) with anyone in the map. This is why we call this kind of model a small world model. This is, in the three we describe here the closest from the realistic social network of friendship.

The Barabási-Albert preferential attachment.

This model is computing with a recursive algorithm. Two parameters are needed, the initial number of nodes (n0) and the total number of node (N). At the beginning, every initial node (the n0 first nodes) knows the other ones, then, we create, one by one the other node. At the creation of a new node, this node is linked randomly to an already existing node. The probability that the new node is linked to a certain node is proportional to the number of edges this node already has. In other word, the more links you have, the more likely new nodes will be link to you.

This model is really interesting, it is the model for any neural network respecting the idea of "rich get richer". The more friends one node has, the more likely the new nodes will be friend with him. This kind of model is relevant for internet network. Indeed, the more famous is the website, the more likely this website will be known by other websites. For example Google is very likely to be connected with many websites, while it is very unlikely that my little and not known blog is connected to many websites.

The code (R) : 

# ER model

generateER = function(n = 100, p = 0.5){
  map = diag(rep(1, n))
  link = rbinom(n*(n-1)/2, 1,p)
  t = 1
  for(j in 2:n){
    for(i in 1:(j-1)){
      map[i,j] = link[t]
      t = t + 1

# WS model
f = function(j, mat){
  return(c(mat[1:j, j], mat[j,(j+1):length(mat[1,])]))

g = function(j, mat){
  k = length(mat[1,])
  a = matrix(0, nrow = 2, ncol = k)
    for(i in 1:(j-1)){
      a[1,i] = i
      a[2,i] = j
    for(i in (j+1):k){
      a[1,i] = j
      a[2,i] = i
  a = a[,-j]
g(1, map)
callDiag = function(j, mat){
  return(c(diag(mat[g(j,mat)[1, 1:(length(mat[1,])-1)], g(j,mat)[2, 1:(length(mat[1,])-1)]])))

which(callDiag(4,matrix(runif(20*20),20,20)) <0.1)

generateWS = function(n = 100, k = 4 , p = 0.5){
  map = matrix(0,n,n)
  down = floor(k/2)
  up = ceiling(k/2)
  for(j in 1:n){
      map[(((j-down):(j+up))%%n)[-(down + 1)],j] = 1
  map = map|t(map)*1
  for(j in 2:n){
    list1 = which(map[(((j-down):(j))%%n),j]==1)
    listBusy = which(map[(((j-down):(j))%%n),j]==1)
    for(i in 1:(j-1)){
      if((j-i<=floor(k/2))|(j-i>= n-1-up)){
          map[i,j] = 0
          samp = sample(which(callDiag(j, map) == 0), 1)
          map[g(j, map)[1, samp], g(j, map)[2, samp]] = 1

# BA model

generateBA = function(n = 100, n0 = 2){
  mat = matrix(0, nrow= n, ncol = n)
  for(i in 1:n0){
    for(j in 1:n0){
      if(i != j){
        mat[i,j] = 1
        mat[j,i] = 1
  for(i in n0:n){
    list = c()
    for(k in 1:(i-1)){
      list = c(list, sum(mat[,k]))
    link = sample(c(1:(i-1)), size = 1, prob = list)
    mat[link,i] = 1
    mat[i,link] = 1

# Graphs


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The financial market is not only made of stock options. Other financial products enable market actors to target specific aims. For example, an oil buyer like a flight company may want to cover the risk of increase in the price of oil. In this case it is possible to buy on the financial market what is known as a "Call" or a "Call Option".

A Call Option is a contract between two counterparties (the flight company and a financial actor). The buyer of the Call has the opportunity but not the obligation to buy a certain  quantity of a certain product (called the underlying) at a certain date (the maturity) for a certain price (the strike).

I found a golden website. The blog of Esteban Moro. He uses R to work on networks. In particular he has done a really nice code to make some great videos of networks. This post is purely a copy of his code. I just changed a few arguments to change colors and to do my own network.

To create the network, I used the  Barabási-Albert algorithm that you can find at the end of the post on the different algorithms for networks. Igraph is the library which has been used.

As you have certainly seen now, I like working on artificial neural networks. I have written a few posts about models with neural networks (Models to generate networks, Want to win to Guess Who and Study of spatial segregation).

Unfortunately, I missed so far a nice and pleasant aspect of networks : its graphical approach. Indeed, plots of neural networks are often really nice and really useful to understand the network.

Sometimes such a graph can point out some characteristics of the network.

I already talked about networks a few times in this blog. In particular, I had this approach to explain spatial segregation in a city or to solve the Guess Who? problem. However, one of the question is how to generate a good network. Indeed, I aim to study strategy to split a network, but I need first to work with a realistic neural network. I could have downloaded data of a network, but I'd rather study the different models proposed to generate neural networks.

The function apply() is certainly one of the most useful function. I was scared of it during a while and refused to use it. But it makes the code so much faster to write and so efficient that we can't afford not using it. If you are like me, that you refuse to use apply because it is scary, read the following lines, it will help you. You want to know how to use apply() in general, with a home-made function or with several parameters ? Then, go to see the following examples.

Have you ever played the board game "Guess who?". For those who have not experienced childhood (because it might be the only reason to ignore this board game), this is a game consisting in trying to guess who the opponent player is thinking of among a list of characters - we will call the one he chooses the "chosen character". These characters have several characteristics such as gender, having brown hair or wearing glasses.

If you want to choose randomly your next holidays destination, you are likely to process in a way which is certainly biased. Especially if you choose randomly the latitude and the longitude. A bit like they do in this lovely advertising (For those of you who do not speak French, this is about a couple who have won the national gamble prize and have to decide their next travel. The husband randomly picks Australia and the wife is complaining : "Not again!").

My previous post is about a method to simulate a Brownian motion. A friend of mine emailed me yesterday to tell me that this is useless if we do not know how to simulate a normally distributed variable.

My first remark is: use the rnorm() function if the quality of your simulation is not too important (Later, I'll try to explain you why the R "default random generation" functions are not perfect). However, it may be fun to generate a normal distribution from a simple uniform distribution.

The Brownian motion is certainly the most famous stochastic process (a random variable evolving in the time). It has been the first way to model a stock option price (Louis Bachelier's thesis in 1900).

The reason why is easy to understand, a Brownian motion is graphically very similar to the historical price of a stock option.

The merge of two insurance companies enables to curb the probability of ruin by sharing the risk and the capital of the two companies.

For example, we can consider two insurance companies, A and B. A is a well known insurance company with a big capital and is dealing with a risk with a low variance. We will assume that the global risk of all its customers follow a chi-square distribution with one degree of freedom.
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