Have you ever played the board game "Guess who?". For those who have not experienced childhood (because it might be the only reason to ignore this board game), this is a game consisting in trying to guess who the opponent player is thinking of among a list of characters - we will call the one he chooses the "chosen character". These characters have several characteristics such as gender, having brown hair or wearing glasses. To find out, you are only allowed to ask questions expecting a yes-no answer.

This game has been expanded to a further complexity through the funny and impressive website: Akinator. The software tries to guess who we are thinking of by asking yes-no questions.

With a friend/colleague/classmate of mine, Pierre Cordier, we wondered how it worked and what would be the fastest way to find the answer. In particular, is it better to ask about a very balanced characteristic, such as "Is it a female?", or a very unbalanced characteristic such as "Is it an alien?". The first question is very likely to remove fifty percent of the population, while the second question is very likely to eliminate a very small part of the population; on the other hand, if we are lucky, we can have the answer "Yes, it is an alien" and, in this case, we will directly know who is the "chosen character". In other words, the mantra of the first strategy is "No risk, no reward", while the second strategy's one is "High risk, high reward".

To answer this mysterious question, we had a neural network approach. More especially, we had a bipartite neural network approach, also known as institutional neural network. We use as a reference the book by  David Easley and  Jon Kleinberg, Networks, crowds and markets: reasoning about a highly connected world, introduced earlier in Spatial segregation in cities - An explanation by a neural network model. The idea is that every character belongs, or not, to different institutions/groups such as "wearing glasses". In term of mathematical approach, we can represent this neural network as a matrix where every column is an institution and each row is an individual. If the individual i belongs to the institution j, then the intersection of the row i and the column j would be 1, otherwise it would be 0.

We have first randomly generated this matrix, and then computed two strategies. The first one checks for the characteristic with the most balanced distribution of "yes" and "no". The second strategy finds the characteristic with the nearest distribution to 90% of "yes" for 10% of "no", or 10% of "yes" for 90% of "no".

We have done this simulation many times (considering 100 individuals for 10 institutions) to have an estimation of the number of questions needed to find the "chosen character". We have made two observations. In average, the fifty/fifty strategy is faster than the ninety/ten strategy. Besides, the number of questions needed varies less for the first one. Therefore, the first strategy is more efficient in average, and more reliable (as its variance is lower).
The dark blue line stands for the "90/10" strategy, and the other one for the "50/50". The horizontal lines represent the mean for each strategy. The "50/50" strategy is almost always beating the "90/10" strategy.

After 50 simulations, the probability distributions of the number of questions give a good insight of the spread between the two strategies.

Probability distributions

The code (R):

# Who s who

# install.packages("shape")

# creation of matrix
createMatrix = function(myNumberPeople, myNumberInstitution){
  mat = matrix(0, nrow = myNumberPeople, ncol = myNumberInstitution)
  for (i in 1:(myNumberPeople * myNumberInstitution)){
    mat[i]= rbinom(1, 1, prob = 0.5)

#calculation of proportion
proportion = function(myMatrix){
  result = matrix(0, 1,length(myMatrix[1,]))
  for(i in 1:length(result)){
    result[i] = sum(myMatrix[,i])

#strategy based on proportion
closest = function(myMatrix, a, p){
  vect = proportion(myMatrix)
  for(i in 1:length(vect)){
    vect[i] = min(abs(p - vect[i]),abs((1-p) - vect[i]))
  return(a[which(vect[a] == min(vect[a]))[1]])

belong = function(myMatrix,myGuy,a , p){
  return(myGuy[closest(myMatrix, a, p)]==1)

elimination = function(myMatrix,myGuy, a, p){
  myMatrix = myMatrix[(belong(myMatrix,myGuy, a, p)==myMatrix[,closest(myMatrix, a, p)]),]

strategy = function(myMatrix,myGuy, p){
  k = 0
  a = 1:numberInstitution
  while(length(a) > 0 & if(is.vector(myMatrix) != 1){length(myMatrix[!duplicated(myMatrix),])/numberInstitution != 1}else{FALSE}){
    b = a[-which(a==closest(myMatrix, a, p))]
    myMatrix = elimination(as.matrix(myMatrix), myGuy, a, p)
    a= b
    k = k+1
    #     print(dim(myMatrix))
  res = list(NumberSteps=k, Candidates=myMatrix)

#random strategy
createOrder = function(){
  return(sample(1:numberInstitution, numberInstitution))

belongRandom = function(myMatrix,myGuy, myVariable){

eliminationRandom = function(myMatrix,myGuy,a){
  myMatrix = myMatrix[(belongRandom(myMatrix,myGuy, a[1])==myMatrix[,a[1]]),]

strategyRandom = function(myMatrix,myGuy){
  k = 0
  a = createOrder()
  while(length(a) > 0 & (if(is.vector(myMatrix) != 1){length(myMatrix[!duplicated(myMatrix),])/numberInstitution != 1}else{FALSE})){
    myMatrix = eliminationRandom(as.matrix(myMatrix), myGuy,a)
    a = a[-1]
    k = k+1
  res = list(NumberSteps=k, Candidates=myMatrix)

application = function(myMatrix, myGuy, myStrategy){
  #   myStrategy is in {50, random, 90}
  if(myStrategy == "random"){return(strategyRandom(myMatrix, myGuy))}

# initialization
numberPeople = 100
numberInstitution = 10
memory = list("fifty" = c(), "random" = c(), "ninety" = c())
for(i in 1:50){
  mat = createMatrix(numberPeople, numberInstitution)
  copyMat = mat
  guy = copyMat[sample(1:length(copyMat[,1]),1),]
  #   copy2 = mat
  #   copy3 = mat
  #   guy = mat[sample(1:numberPeople,1),]
  #   memory$fifty = c(memory$fifty, application(copy1, guy, "50")$NumberSteps)
  #   memory$random = c(memory$random, application(copy2, guy, "random")$NumberSteps)
  memory$ninety = c(memory$ninety, strategy(copyMat, guy, 0.1)$NumberSteps)
  memory$random = c(memory$random, application(copyMat, guy, "random")$NumberSteps)
  memory$fifty = c(memory$fifty, strategy(copyMat, guy, 0.5)$NumberSteps)

png(filename="~/Chr10/post9_figure1.png", bg="white")
col <- shadepalette(9, "cyan", "blue")
plot(c(),ylim=c(4.2,10), xlim = c(3, 48), xlab ="Simulationss", ylab ="Number of questions")
polygon(c(1:50,50:1), c(memory$fifty,rev(memory$ninety)), col="#EFDECD")
a <- c(mean(memory$fifty)-var(memory$fifty),mean(memory$fifty)+var(memory$fifty))
b <- c(mean(memory$ninety)-var(memory$ninety),mean(memory$ninety)+var(memory$ninety))
lines(memory$ninety, type = 'l', col=col[3], lwd = 2)
abline(h=mean(memory$fifty), col=col[7], lwd =2)
abline(h=mean(memory$ninety), col=col[3], lwd = 2)
lines(memory$fifty, col = col[7], lwd = 2)
title("Difference between the two strategies")

png(filename="~/Chr10/post9_figure2.png", bg="white")
plot(table(memory$ninety)/50, ylim=c(0,0.7), type="p",col = col[3], lwd = 4,
     main="Distribution of the number of questions
for both strategies",
     xlab="Number of questions",
lines(table(memory$fifty)/50, type="p",col = col[7], lwd = 4)
legend(x=4, y= 0.7,legend =c("50/50", "90/10"), col=c(col[7],col[3]), pch=  1, pt.lwd = 4)


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The financial market is not only made of stock options. Other financial products enable market actors to target specific aims. For example, an oil buyer like a flight company may want to cover the risk of increase in the price of oil. In this case it is possible to buy on the financial market what is known as a "Call" or a "Call Option".

A Call Option is a contract between two counterparties (the flight company and a financial actor). The buyer of the Call has the opportunity but not the obligation to buy a certain  quantity of a certain product (called the underlying) at a certain date (the maturity) for a certain price (the strike).

If the flight company doesn't want to suffer from the risk of an increase of oil on the market within the next year, a Call Option of maturity 1 year, with a certain strike K may be bought. In this case, if the oil price on the market is over the strike, the flight company will use the Call option to buy oil for the price of the strike. If the price of the oil is lower than the strike, then the flight will not use the option and will buy oil on the market.

As you can see, this contract is not symmetric  The flight company has an option (to buy or not to buy) while the second counterparty just follows the decision of the flight company. Therefore, the flight company will have to pay something to the second counterparty. One of the great question is how much should it be charged.

We will therefore use a pricing algorithm to estimate the price of this Call Option. We first build an algorithm to simulate the value of an asset in the model of Black-Scholes. Then we simulate the historical value of this asset in order to simulate the final value of the Call Option.

Indeed, if we know the value of the asset at the maturity (A(T)), we get directly the value of the Call Option of strike K at maturity : max(A(T) - K , 0).

Our asset is randomly distributed as:
A(t+dt) = A(t) (1 + r dt + v(B(t+dt) -B(t))

Where r is the interest rate, v the volatility of the asset and B a Brownian process (for more detail you can look at the post on Brownian motion).

After repeating the process many times, we estimate the mean of the Call Option for different strike in order to estimate the price of the Call Option.

As we can see the price of the Call decreases with the strike. Actually it converges towards 0. Indeed, the higher the strike is, the lower the chance are such that the asset goes over the strike.

What is done here can be done for many, many, many other financial products in order to price them by Monte Carlo.

The code (R):

sample.size <- 365
mu <- 0.1
sigma <- 0.2

a0 <- 1
Asset <- function(sample.size = 365, mu = 0.1, sigma = 0.2, a0 = 1){
  dt <- 1/sample.size
  sdt =sigma*sqrt(dt)
  gauss <- rnorm(sample.size)
  asset <- NULL
  asset[1] <- a0 + mu + sigma * gauss[1]
  test.default <- FALSE
  for(i in 2:365){
    if (!test.default){
      asset[i] <- asset[i-1] * (1 + dt*mu + sdt * gauss[i])
      asset[i] <- 0
    if (asset[i] <= 0){
      asset[i] <- 0
      test.default <- TRUE

PriceEstimation <- function(t, tf = 365, r = 0.1, strike = 1, n = 1000, mu = 0.1, sigma = 0.2, a0 = 1){
  mean <- 0
  for(i1 in 1:n){
    mean <- mean + exp(-r*(tf-t)/tf) * max(0, (Asset(tf, mu, sigma, a0)-strike))
  mean <- mean/n

res <- NULL
for(i in 1:length(seq(0, 3, 0.05))){
  res[i] <- PriceEstimation(t = 0, tf = 365, r = 0.1, strike = seq(0, 3, 0.05)[i], n = 1000, mu = 0.1, sigma = 0.2, a0 = 1)

plot(seq(0,3, 0.05), res,type = 'l', xlab = "Strike Value",  ylab = "Price of the Call")


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